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New Martins Opening - C22 News

A new Martins store is opening in downtown Edwardsburg. Many residents have already used the new store once or twice instead of the local store. This raises questions about how the local business will function with a big name like Martins.

The owner of the local store, Wyatt Baker, had this to say:
Locals in Edwardsburg know the quality of my store and after a couple of months they'll come right on back since, the fact of the matter is, Martins is just some big corporation. This doesn't necessarily mean they'll bring the best quality and I can assure you that I can provide a broader range of items. Not only can I provide more options but the quality will also be through the roof. With all of that in mind my answer to whether I'm scared of the competition is definitely going to be a no.

Martins employees have assured that they will put pleanty of care into their store with customer issues coming first and will make adjustments as needed.

Locals Thoughts

We interviewed several locals and many showed their pride in the local store and what it has accomplishd in their small town. The town mayor didn't exactly have the same view as many of his people though, with him seeing this as a only positive thing with positive outcomes.

Mayor of Edwardsburg, Robert Bailey, stated,
None of the people in this town should be remotely worried about this. Competition is always great and I think people will start coming around on the idea of this new store and see that the situation isn't as bad as it's being made out to be. Even folks who are dedicated to staying with the local store should see improvements in the quality and range of items because if he doesn't keep it up, everyone will go to the superior store.